LG Plasmas

Hey has any body had the problem where an LG Monitor has to be rebooted every couple of weeks because it stops responding to 232 commands? I have a bunch of Plasmas in a facility and it seems like almost all of them have had to be re-booted recently.
I had an issue with some of the consumer LG's where too much polling would lock up the 232 port, LG sent me new firmware and a service remote to update the units. they have not crashed since....
I will look through my e-mails and get you the specific model number or series, If you need the remote I'd be happy to send it your way.
Erik Nelson
I've used a LG 47lb2rf LCD monitor that did exactly that: it stopped responding to RS232 codes after some time. (a couple of weeks sounds about right). I never found out what caused this and ended up using 'brute force': I connected a 230V switch which disconnects (and reconnects) the power from the monitor at 2 AM.
Never had problems with it anymore.... Maybe some form of buffer overflow ?
I do not like the idea of doing things this way, but it worked.
I have used a few LG's since then (very close, but not exactly this type) and they did not have this problem. So maybe it's firmware related.
we've had several units go bad in this regard. What's worse is one of the symptoms is that it will repspond to 'power on' but nothing else. It's great if you like burned in plasmas.
We've quite using the RS232 port altogether on the things. we just do IR.
OK - It's been a year now - I havn't used LG on any projects since this time, but have a customer that might be going to LG.
Has anybody experienced this lock up problem or is it a thing of the past?
It is still a problem.
Hence the name LG=Lame Gear
We've had a dealer tell us that half of his LG's were failing on RS232 in a big job last year. It seemed to be entirely specific to the unit itself, not the model. LG replaced all of the troubled units, and a couple of the new ones did it too. He finally put them in IR. There's been no problem since on those still using RS232.
Lots of our dealers use lots of LG on RS232, so it isn't biting everyone.
It's not a POLLING overload, at least not in our case, as we never poll them.
I don't know if this is related, but I am interfacing to two models:
LG 22LH20
LG 32LH40
And they both are replying to status requests multiple times; sometimes it's only 1 reply (expected), and at worst, it's 4:
Not entirely sure why this is, but I am a bit new to LG and this is troubling. I may just ring them up and ask for some technical assistance. Anyone got a back-door tech support name/number? Or maybe an email address?
Bump, please.