I've heard several different ideas of how long WAIT 1 is. Netlinx Studio help says a millisecond - 1/1000th of a second, but other times says 'measured in 1/100th of a second'. I've also seen people on this forum stating that WAIT 11 is 1.1 seconds, so measured in 1/10th of a second!
Discuss & clarify!
Discuss & clarify!
This is a relatively new thing.
Agreed - I've used this as far back as 2005 (I know - nothing compared to some old-schoolers here.)
I bet it came in with Netlinx, I can't imagine Axcent supported it.
Are you trying to start a debate why not to run feedback in define_program or a timeline?
I'm just saying.
I'm so old skool they tore the school down Dave.
In all these years of doing Netlix I didn't know you could go below a 10th of a second. I too am from the old Accent days. I don't use waits that much anyway.
I started programming AXcess in 1997 when I worked at AMX as the AXcess programmer for the Synergy department. It did not support fractional wait values. Wait 15 = approx 1.5 seconds. I believe NetLinx has always supported fractional wait times. Since timeline events are a part of NetLinx and they have an even sharper theoretical resolution, it makes sense that waits can be similarly defined. Wait 15.5 = approx 1.55 seconds. A timeline event with a length of 1550 would also = approx 1.55 seconds.
WAITs are serviced after each event that is handled and after every pass thru mainline. Here’s a picture from the AMX help file (and TN264) which illustrates that.
One may or may not need a WAIT of less than 1 but perhaps a WAIT 3.5 might fit better than a WAIT 3 or a WAIT 4 in some situations. It's good to know we have the option.
Then the mainline would only have to check the wait TL every pass to see if it active or not and if active process it when its rep time is reached.
In the time help file
From the Timed Waits helpfile:
Time is expressed in 1/10th second units
WAIT 10 (* wait one second*)
From the TIMELINE_CREATE helpfile:
"Time is measured in 1/100 of a second."
My testing of waits shows that my processor (NI2000) is actually 1/1000 as mentioned in the thread here!
ie. a time line interval of 1000 is one second
wait 10 = one second
timeline time array of {1000} is one second
Nothing's changed in the past 7 years of me doing this - can't speak for anything prior to that.
wait 10 = one second
timeline time array of {1000} is one second
about time precision in WAITs, i never used it... When i need to deal with 1/100s or 1/1000s i use Timelines