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Replacing a NXT-CV7 with an iPad

Ok so Im trying to upgrade a system that currently has an AMX NXT-CV7 as the interface connected to an AMX NI3100 controller. Im trying to replace the NXT-CV7 with an iPad.

This is my first time working on anything like this but have been learning a lot.

I used TPDesign4 to connect to the NXT_CV7 to download to configuration file and save it as an iPad config.

Then used TPTransfer to transfer that iPad config to the iPad.

Now on the iPad I get a screen similar to what the NXT-CV7 had but there is no response from the system. Im able to ping the NI-3100 and log into its web bower interface. But the iPad is acting like it is not seeing the system.

I get a similar effect on the NXT-CV7 if the network cable is unplugged from it.

I can't seem too find much documentation on how to add an iPad into a system so im not sure where to go from here.

Is there any code i need to add?

Thanks in advance for your help


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Just like an AMX panel, you need to assign connection and address info in the iPad.
    This is documented on the TP CONTROL web site.
    Go to SETTINGS on the iPad (it's an app!) and then choose TPCONTROL from the list of items on the left. Set the Netlinx address, the iPad adress, etc.... and you should be fine.

    Note that the CV7 and iPad are not the same aspect ratio. You may want to redesign for the space.
  • Wooow i didn't even notice the "tpcontrol" options under settings! I was changing the IP of the iPad under the network settings.

    So I set the device number (NXT-CV7's old one/ now the iPads), local host IP (NI-3100's IP), Remote host (NXT-CV7's old IP/ now the iPads), and 1 or 2 others things. And now it is up and running! Thank you guys/gals so much!

    Now to learn some coding and add some settings I have been wanting!

    Thanks again for all the help!
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