Assignment in a while guard
A long time ago I was writing some code and wanted to use C style as in:
while(pos = find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1))
// code
I can't recall exactly why this didn't work at the time, but it compiles. I seem to remember that it wouldn't evaluate correctly but I might be wrong. Does anyone use this without issue? I wonder if I might have had some other error that fooled me into thinking this wouldn't work.
while(pos = find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1))
// code
I can't recall exactly why this didn't work at the time, but it compiles. I seem to remember that it wouldn't evaluate correctly but I might be wrong. Does anyone use this without issue? I wonder if I might have had some other error that fooled me into thinking this wouldn't work.
not tested or anything and not sure why your original version doesn't work unless sRxBuf contents never change.
Yes that is another way, but calling find_string only once is more elegant imho. Its odd that it compiles but I don't believe will work as it does in C.
i don't think your initial code calls find_string only once. i am using the while(find_string.... to parse feedback from devices and it calls find_string for as many times as the searchable string exists.
In your code, you don't show how you initialize pos?
If you want pos to equal "find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1)", then what were you wanting to evaluate in the while() statement?
Netlinx cannot do both. At least not in the way you originally suggested.
You can also do the following:
while (find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1))
pos=find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1)
but that isn't necessarily any cleaner that what others have suggested.
if (pos = find_string(sRxBuf, "0D", 1)))
and what would happen is that the function gets called and the result is stored in pos. Then the if is evaluated on the value of pos. This way you can assign a value to pos, and then have it evaluated in the if guard. If find_string returns a positive number and so pos is a positive number then the if guard is true. If not, then its false. I don't think that Netlinx evaluates it the same way though, but I don't have a master here to try it on.
I think Netlinx will interpret that as:
if (pos = [the return of (find_string(sRxBuf,"0D",1)])
It will not make pos equal the return of the function, but it will compare pos to the return of the function.
I believe that is the case as the following code demonstrates: The output after button 1 is pushed:
*The quick* and *brown fox* are the same in length so the while evaluates to true for 2 passes and then drops out when it gets to *jumped over* The value of nPos never changes from the while condition.
I think you are right. This is likely because = and == have the same meaning in a if guard and there is no way around this that I know.
That is correct, as I understand it. In Netlinx, you can't do an assignment in the conditional expression. It may look like it should be an assignment, but it's not.
For(pos=find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1);pos;pos=find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1))
It requires using find string twice but it should work.
You mean something like this:
for (pos = find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1) ; pos; )
Good point. That might work just as well. That gets around the assignment/comparison problem in while/if guards. Does this work or is there some arcane Netlinx reason it wouldn't? I am leaving out the increment field, but most languages have no problem with that. Not sure about Netlinx.
For(pos=find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1);pos;pos=find_string(sRxBuf, "$0D", 1))
Yes that will probably work. Not pretty to look at it but it would seem to work.
Untested, but what about something like this? A function can assign your referenced variable, and return whether it succeeded or not - that's basically what you need - right?
I don't think that will work if $0D also appears somewhere in the response, which in my case it does. Hard to believe the engineers would use the CRLF as both a delimiter and a command code but that's what they did. So if I send that command to the device it will respond with something like $02$0D$01$02$0D
True but if I was able to use the C style of assigning/comparing in the while guard, that would have made things easier. But yes, it was silly of them to do that, and the command isn't even some obscure never used command, its for volume
I think that will work. I would probably lean towards a recursive function to check the guard and set the assignment.
Personally I would just do it the standard way posted earlier:
You could also create your own function and pass back nPos by reference for use in the while.