Simpler firmware upgrades?

G'day all,
Does anybody know of a quick way to perform multiple firmware upgrades?
I have 70 touch panels and NI masters (and devices) to upgrade.
Does anybody know of a quick way to perform multiple firmware upgrades?
I have 70 touch panels and NI masters (and devices) to upgrade.
I heard rumour that AMX have an internal tool for simultaneously upgrading multiple devices, however it was internal only. You could script it, however depending on the system monitoring you perform there may be a significant risk that you will end up with non functional systems in the case of a borked upgrade.
The approach we ended up taking was separating the system into batches. Hitting a batch when the facilites were available / we had time, then testing. Far form the most efficient approach but it ensured everything was back up and running correctly post upgrade.
Actually it takes longer because you have to show them how to do it.
Then once they have tried their way and bricked a couple of masters you have to show them how to do it again.
Matthew 8:26