Tile Matrix Commands for NEC X551UN
As best I can tell the strings to turn tile matrixing on and off for this montior should be:
$01,$30,$2A,$30,$45,$30,$41,$02,$30,$32,$44,$33,$30,$30,$30,$33,$03,$37,$0D" - Matrix Off
$01,$30,$2A,$30,$45,$30,$41,$02,$30,$32,$44,$33,$30,$30,$30,$32,$03,$36,$0D" - Matrix On
Of course, these string are not working and NEC is about as helpful as a kitten in a gunfight. I have verified communications with power on/off and input commands, as well as verifying my XOR function for the BCC. If anyone has used these monitors and this function with success, please let me know what is wrong with my string. Thanks.
$01,$30,$2A,$30,$45,$30,$41,$02,$30,$32,$44,$33,$30,$30,$30,$33,$03,$37,$0D" - Matrix Off
$01,$30,$2A,$30,$45,$30,$41,$02,$30,$32,$44,$33,$30,$30,$30,$32,$03,$36,$0D" - Matrix On
Of course, these string are not working and NEC is about as helpful as a kitten in a gunfight. I have verified communications with power on/off and input commands, as well as verifying my XOR function for the BCC. If anyone has used these monitors and this function with success, please let me know what is wrong with my string. Thanks.
And kudos to you if you get the reference.
The above strings will work for this. Please note however that the strings are intended to reference all monitors on a daisy chained 232.