Page tracking - what am I doing wrong?
Hi all
I am trying to do some page tracking so I can open some popups when 3th side module is changing a page (RocketGui for squeeze box)
I have enabled the page tracking in the TP
I am listening to the TP on my code
printDebug("'Family TP DATA.TEXT: ',DATA.TEXT")
printDebug("'Family TP DATA.TEXT: ',DATA.TEXT")
I get nothing
What am I doing wrong?
When looking at device netlinx notification I can see all the messages that the TP is sending.
I am trying to do some page tracking so I can open some popups when 3th side module is changing a page (RocketGui for squeeze box)
I have enabled the page tracking in the TP
I am listening to the TP on my code
printDebug("'Family TP DATA.TEXT: ',DATA.TEXT")
printDebug("'Family TP DATA.TEXT: ',DATA.TEXT")
I get nothing
What am I doing wrong?
When looking at device netlinx notification I can see all the messages that the TP is sending.
I can see it from the netlinx but not in my code.
BTW, you gave me an idea, would it be better to add a string command to the panel buttons so I can know when the page has been flipped?
Or maybe I can listen to the button itself.... I don't want to sit on the same event that the module is listening to, but maybe this is the best solution?
looks like the is another module that catching the messages and not mine
Why I am not getting them on both DATA_EVENT?
only one listening on DATA_EVENT is available for port 1?
Any strings that are sent from the TP to the master are sent on port 1, even if it is a text input box that has a different port assigned. Your dvTPFamilyRoom will have to be port 1 in order for your data_event to trigger when a string is sent.
DEFINE_FUNCTION fnPageFlip(DEV dvPanel,CHAR cPageName[])
SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'PAGE-',cPageName"
I decided to go with the old way and listen to any of the buttons that open the specific pages