Samsung RS232 via TVs with EX-Link
Hello, I thought with all of the heartache these TVs have given me, and the inability to control them via IP since Power on/off isn't available, I thougth I'd share the code I use when controlling newer Samsung TVs via the EX-Link port (typically 2010 & newer TVs). This has worked with all of the newer Samsung's I've tried it with, and has worked very consistently. I had a lot of these serial commands, but never had access to channels before I created this. I still have yet to come across a newer protocol document; I scavinged all of this from a big blue module & made it work for AMX. This is pretty much a one-way serial module. Samsung doens't reply in any sort of discrete way. Different TVs respond differently to power on/power off, so I just fake that rather than try to figure it out per model. Sorry.
I didn't include a touchpanel file; I figured you could figure that one out on your own. It just a basic .axs file. It's pretty easy to extrapolate what I'm doing via the comments.
P.S.- don't make fun of my indenting. I've done it that way since I was a young'n in my first C classes in the early 90's, and it's just how I was taught & it's my old fart way of doing things!
I didn't include a touchpanel file; I figured you could figure that one out on your own. It just a basic .axs file. It's pretty easy to extrapolate what I'm doing via the comments.
P.S.- don't make fun of my indenting. I've done it that way since I was a young'n in my first C classes in the early 90's, and it's just how I was taught & it's my old fart way of doing things!

I'm trying to control a PN64D550.. 64" plasma which the customer picked up to replace the Pana Pro 65 which was having issues. I can't believe how difficult it is trying to find info on these TVs. I'm not really sure what protocol should be used or what the setup for enabling control is. The TV spits out a bunch of strings when powered on which may be for the autowall thingy but nothing I send seems to work. Of the 3 protocols I've found none seem to control the TV which could be a result of the 232 cable wiring to that 1/8" stereo jack used for the EX-Link, the wrong protocol being used or the sets not properly setup/enabled to re-act to commands.
The bright side- you can use my code without any sort of work; that TV will control out of the box without any service commands, etc. I've controlled a PN60D550 with no problem. The down side, no two-way information like you can get out of (some of) the pro models.
Hope that helps!!
Jeff B
When this is working will this power on when off or was that just IP control issues? Is there any ECO settings that need to be changed to allow the port to RX when powered down.
What is the EX-Link port ? Is it the only name ? as I find it on none Samsung consumer TV here in France !