MVP-8400 losing wifi connection and info
in AMX Hardware
I have run into a few (at least 4 in the last 2 years) MVP-8400s now that lose their wifi connection and will not reconnect even with a reboot until I go into the wifi setup page, go to the WEP key or any other SSID setting, backspace over the last number and re-enter it and then exit out.
Anyone else see this happening? Could it be a failing compact flash card? The wifi info is listed correctly on the panel menus but for some reason going into the setup and re-entering the last number seems to temporarily fix the issue.
Anyone else see this happening? Could it be a failing compact flash card? The wifi info is listed correctly on the panel menus but for some reason going into the setup and re-entering the last number seems to temporarily fix the issue.
I've also seen it switch from WEP to open. I found that I needed to put fake data into Open so it wouldn't try and connect.
I've seen this as well. But it was on a really old panel that couldn't have it's FW updated based on a hardware limitation.
It does have the older original wifi card in it that does not support WPA.
Are the wifi cards tech swapable to upgrade it to the current version or will that require being sent to AMX?
The cards are field replaceable, if you can find a good card somewhere. The word is that the wifi cards are partying with Elvis and the batteries for the Cre$tron TPMC-10. You might be able to find someone with a good card. There have been a couple recent threads about this.
I changed "authentication" from "open" to "shared" under the WEP settings today. I also entered a non-existent SSID in the dialog box for "open" network just to fill in the empty blanks even though we are using WEP.
So far it seems to be behaving.