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Virtual Device Not Showing in Online Tree

I am hopeful that someone can point out what I am missing. I'm incorporating our new switch into our current build but for some reason all of the other devices show up in my online tree except for my switch. I have narrowed down the problem and it appears to be related to the UI file that was created for the virtual device. What's really odd is that I removed all of the code from the UI file except for the "Module_Name" and the variables being passed to the file and still no virtual device in my online tree. I have attached a simplified version of my files to show only the sections that are related to the switch. Please let me know what I'm missing. I keept thinking it's a filename/variable name spelling error but I would've gotten an eror when building my workspace. I'm not getting any errors returned tho.
Thanks for your help!


  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    For grins - what's the firmware version of the master?
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    Hi! The firmware is 3.60.453.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    I should have asked in my previous post, but what version compiler / NetLinx Studio are you using?
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    I'm using Netlinx Studio version and Netlinx Compiler is

    And I forgot to add a file to the .zip that I attached...it's just the file with the variable definitions that are being passed to the UI file. New .zip attached.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    I had to add a few lines to allow it to compile, but it works fine for me.

    Have you run what you've posed? And if so, have you reviewed the diagnostics? Does anything stand out? Feel free to post them them here (or to Pastebin as it'll probably be in the couple hundred lines.)
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Do you disable Duet Jar transfer after you've sent the initial code? I do, and ran into this problem today. Resending all the JARs fixed my problem.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    Hi jjames,
    I have managed to get the virtual device to show up...I'm not sure why, but when I created a new workspace and copied/pasted the code into new files I've been able to see my virtual devices. The workspace we're working on is currently in use...we just need to update it with the new equipment (one being a new AMX Switch...the old was is an Extron). So far so good...now it's hit or miss if I get channels 251 and 252 turned on. Sometimes when I 'REINIT' via Control a Device the channels turn on, but other times not. Do you have any idea why this is happening? Here are my Property settings:
    	    SEND_COMMAND vdvAVSWITCHER_6232,"'PROPERTY-Baud_Rate,9600'"
        	    SEND_COMMAND vdvAVSWITCHER_6232,"'PROPERTY-config,HDMI:1:8:8:ALL?HD-15:2:8:8:VIDEO?ALR:3:8:4:AUDIO?=3'"
    	    SEND_COMMAND vdvAVSWITCHER_6232,"'PROPERTY-tx_delay,100'"
    	    SEND_COMMAND vdvAVSWITCHER_6232,"'PROPERTY-features,gain:volume'"
    	    SEND_COMMAND vdvAVSWITCHER_6232,"'DEBUG-4'"

    Thanks for your help!!!
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Whenever I have problems with modules I haven't written, I load up the module without any modifications. So, I opened up the Autopatch Demo AXS file and saw this:
    // Getting initial data from the device takes a lot of massages. 
    // If desired, delay this REINIT command more to allow initialization of the rest
    // of the NetLinx and Duet devices.
    WAIT 300		// Wait 30 seconds, then get things started
    My suggestion would be to add in the 30 second wait in your code and see if things are happy.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    Yea, I probably should've included that since that's what the Word doc example showed! I'll include it and let you know what happens! Thank you!!
  • champchamp Posts: 261
    I have made the mistake of having the wrong system or master program set as default before and found myself wasting lots of time wondering why code modifications weren't taking.

    I doubt this is your problem but it is possible, if you are worknig on a program that is not the master, define a virtual device, compile and upload then you have just re-uploaded another program which didn't have the virtual device defined. This can easily happen after many hours of code tunnel vision and losing track of versioning.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    Hi champ,
    Thanks for the heads up. We are only working with one master so and I keep reloading the same code so I don't think that's the problem...unless I'm not understanding what you're saying?

    Is there anything that I might not have configured correctly to cause my channels to not turn on? I can see the commands being sent in the Notifications window and I can make ties using the front panel, just not using the touch panel. So frustrating! What's weird is that they turn on sometimes (rarely tho), or else I'll just get channel 251, or none at all.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Have you loaded *just* the demo module? Try that without changing anything (except the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY parameters) and let us know if that works.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    Ok, I loaded the AutoPatch Official Demo workspace and only changed the port assignment for my Optima and the config string (no IP). I'm not getting any input/output/feedback channels when I type 'device status' in my telnet window!
  • champchamp Posts: 261
    If the demo code has issues it must be specific to your processor or installation.
    If you have another processor available then try it with that to see if it is processor specific.

    Maybe something else that is connected to the processor is flooding it on boot causing the interpreter to overflow.
    Try disconnecting everything except the Autopatch and the touch panel.
    Make sure the only other devices on the network are the touch panel and your PC.

    Check the buffers (telnet commands "show buffers" and "show max buffers") to see if there is anything getting carried away.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    I disconnected everything from the controller (and switch) except the touch panel and switch. I reloaded the firmware files, rebooted and transferred the files again. Now I'm getting channel 251 but not 252. My show buffers displays all zeros. Show Max Buffers contains the following:

    Does anything jump out at you?
    Thanks for your help!!
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    I forgot to mention that I did load the code onto another controller and the channels did show up! :(
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    The demo touch panel has feedback buttons that show the online and initialized status. When I turn on the system those lights appear green, but about a minute later the lights disappear (meaning it's offline/not initialized). This is driving me crazy.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    I'm starting to wonder if there's something wrong with the controller. I reloaded the firmware files and had success getting my channels to turn on BUT when I made changes to the code and reloaded the code, only channel 251 came back. I sent a 'REINIT' via Control a Device and I haven't been able to get any of the channels to show up since. This is the 2nd controller...the first one we received was bad. Hard to believe this one would be bad too, right??

    Thoughts anyone?
  • If you go into telnet and type show mem, what does it show? I had an issue recently where I also lost a whole bunch of duet virtual devices, not just one, and when I would type show mem, it would display 0 MB for Duet memory and there wouldn't be any data for the partition. Thinking there was an issue with the memory card inside the controller, AMX replaced it, but I was able to duplicate the same issue with the brand new box before even loading any code on it. THis occured no matter what size I set the duet memory to using the set duet mem command, and in fact, I could make the problem appear if I set the duet mem to 20 MB using. After upgrading to the version 4 firmware, I haven't had any more issues.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    Here is what I get when I type show mem. What's weird is that last week I could've sworn I saw zero duet memory when I typed the same command. My Duet Memory is set to 12M. Is the v4 firmware for the master? I saw on AMX's website there is firmware for NI Series (X100) Duet Master and NI Series (X100) Duet v.4 Master Firmware and wasn't sure which one to use so I just used the NI Series (X100) Duet Master.
    Thanks for your help!!
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    In the new firmwares, the DUET memory use shows as ZERO at first after boot, then allocates in the next minutes.
  • tspoetspoe Posts: 32
    Is it recommended to load the NI Series (X100) Duet v.4 Master Firmware? What is the difference between the 2 Master firmware versions?
  • John Nagy wrote: »
    In the new firmwares, the DUET memory use shows as ZERO at first after boot, then allocates in the next minutes.

    I saw this issue with the old firmware. I could do a show mem command and everything would look normal. Then, I would do a set duet command and change the amount of memory allocated for duet and do a show mem command again, and the allocated memory would be 0 and the 2 partitions wouldn't show anything. Anyway, I don't think that is the issue here, given the screen shot he posted.
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