^RAF general ?

I have a few questions regarding ^RAF that maybe some one can answer with out me having to run tests.
1, Presistence. Does a resource created by ^RAF survive a reboot? What about TP file transfer? I would think no/no but maybe it's yes/no. I don't think it's possible to be yes/yes.
2, If ^RAF-resource,param is sent what happens if ^RAF-resource,param is sent again but this time with different params? is the command completely ignored since the resource already exists or does it update the resource params as ^RMF would do?
3, If ^RAF gets ignored if already sent (resource already exists) how do you query if a resource exists? Do I just track if ^RAF has been sent in code and account for any TP reboots or TPD file transfer using custom events? Using a custom event I can read a buttons text to determine if it has rebooted/file update or if I'm dealing with X series (only) I can send ^RFRP-resource,once to have the panel notify me after the resource update, no response then I can assume the resource doesn't exist providing the panel is online and awake. Which brings me to another question; how do get awake and standby events to trigger from an X series panel? I have handlers for AWAKE and STANDBY with code that prints to diagnostics but I get squat and you can't send commands to an X series TP if the display has timed out and gone to sleep, at least not these commands, wake and adbeep work but..
I've also noticed that if you're sending allot of commands to an X series, such as the "^RFRP-resource1,once" and then wait for the TP to respond via the custom event before firing the next command like "^RFRP-resource2,once" and so on and if the display times out during this process it will stop processing commands and you'll no longer get you custom event triggers so now I have to send "WAKE" prior these updates to ensure the TP is capable of receiving the commands and to ensure it doesn't timeout during the process.
1, Presistence. Does a resource created by ^RAF survive a reboot? What about TP file transfer? I would think no/no but maybe it's yes/no. I don't think it's possible to be yes/yes.
2, If ^RAF-resource,param is sent what happens if ^RAF-resource,param is sent again but this time with different params? is the command completely ignored since the resource already exists or does it update the resource params as ^RMF would do?
3, If ^RAF gets ignored if already sent (resource already exists) how do you query if a resource exists? Do I just track if ^RAF has been sent in code and account for any TP reboots or TPD file transfer using custom events? Using a custom event I can read a buttons text to determine if it has rebooted/file update or if I'm dealing with X series (only) I can send ^RFRP-resource,once to have the panel notify me after the resource update, no response then I can assume the resource doesn't exist providing the panel is online and awake. Which brings me to another question; how do get awake and standby events to trigger from an X series panel? I have handlers for AWAKE and STANDBY with code that prints to diagnostics but I get squat and you can't send commands to an X series TP if the display has timed out and gone to sleep, at least not these commands, wake and adbeep work but..
I've also noticed that if you're sending allot of commands to an X series, such as the "^RFRP-resource1,once" and then wait for the TP to respond via the custom event before firing the next command like "^RFRP-resource2,once" and so on and if the display times out during this process it will stop processing commands and you'll no longer get you custom event triggers so now I have to send "WAKE" prior these updates to ensure the TP is capable of receiving the commands and to ensure it doesn't timeout during the process.
2. If the ^RAF command is sent, but the resource specified already exists, the command is ignored (new parameter values are ignored, not updated).
3. There is no query to see if a resource exists; that must be managed in code (you can also use the new Custom even notifications to help, as you mentioned).
Regarding panel event strings for Modero X, just make sure you configure the desired strings in your TPD4 project (under Project Properties->Panel Setup Information->Panel Strings), and handle the data event as desired in your code. Note that there is no Stand-By for Modero X panels, so any string configured for that entry will be ignored. And you are correct that resource updates are disabled when the panel is asleep.
Would it make sense to modify how the TP reacts to ^RAF so that it create the resource if it doesn't exist but updates it if it does with the supplied parameters. I think it would make using the command allot easier since tracking TP reboots, etc isn't the easiest thing to do. I already do it just to regulate feedback and initialization traffic but I don't think many others do.
Any chance of updating the older panels to be compatable with the dynamic image load notification custom event?
It is possible the custom events could be included in a future full release of older panel firmware, but I don't have visibility into any potential upcoming releases & I wouldn't think it would be in the near future - sorry.
Again thanks for your time.
Just looking for the startup string is so much freakin easier! Putting my stupidity aside why aren't these fields filled in by default with their titles, Startup: = STARTUP, etc and then the programmer can change if desired but at least it's one less thing to think about and have to remember to do and the default string would be all that 99.9% of the folks would require.
Are these string supposed to work on older panels too? I also have a CV-12 & CV-7 in the shop and I updated their panel strings too but I don't get my strings. It does trigger a sting event but no string. My debug code in the string event handler just uses data.text. The CV12 does actually work so it's just something with the CV7. I'll smack it a couple of times and see if that helps.