BLU-160 out of memory
Anybody have the proceedure on how to reset a BLU-160 that refuses to load a program, giving the "Out of memory" error? I remember that you have to SSH or Telnet into the device, but not any of the details on how to go about it.
You'll need to contact Tech Support for the credentials but this is probably the CLI you need:
This will clear the entire memory except for the boot code and firmware. This is the nearest thing to a “factory reset”.
After rebooting the following will occur:
• The design file and all associated files are deleted
• The name goes back to default (eg: BLU-80, BLU-32, BLU-160, etc)
• The IP address settings goes back to default:
o IP Address =
o Subnet Mask =
o Gateway =
o Auto IP = ON
Useful to clear everything out in order to rule out any strange hardware behaviour caused by a fault. NO UNDO!