Only one device in network
Hi all,
I'm pretty new at programming (old green) bss.
My problem:
I have 2 pièces 9088ii, and i can program both of them independently, but when i hook them up by cat5 i only see the one where my rs232 cable is connected.
Tried different cat cables.
Must i 'turn the network connector on'?
My main goal is to use the two devices as a digital snake (8 mics input, 8 line out (monitor and PA))
Soundcheck no actual processing, just wires.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Greetings John
sounds like you may have a fault on the network ports - they work either way around, so try swapping them over- also if you look at the device does it show the network LED lit up in designer? could try linking in to the out and see if both light up? once you know you have working ports then you can begin to fault find why your not seeing each device