processing objects in multiple configurations
Can you have the same processing objects in multiple configurations?
ie say the design has only a 9088 with a single mixer U1/P1.
i create a new configuration and copy everything from the original.
the mixer in the new config is U1/P2 a new proc object.
is there a way to have U1/P1 show up in more than one config?
ie say the design has only a 9088 with a single mixer U1/P1.
i create a new configuration and copy everything from the original.
the mixer in the new config is U1/P2 a new proc object.
is there a way to have U1/P1 show up in more than one config?
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\"\"When you create a new Configuration the main area contains objects that represent each of the Input and Output ports for the device.
Also there may be processing objects which are permanently fixed in the device and do not vary when different Configurations are selected\"\"
In the soundweb tutorial they have you create a master control panel with master volumes and preset recalls for conference and wedding.
but the volume controls are only valid for the config (object) you created them from. switch configs and the volumes grey out.