SW 9010 Problem
My schools owns a SoundWeb system and one out or two of are sw
9010's isnt working, when you turn it on the display lights up but there
is no text or leds, i have tryed hooking it up to the computer to re
flash it but the computer cant find it. If you have any idea how to fix this
problem i would greatly appreacite it, also if anyone knows the com port settings or any other details on how to conect it to the computer please let me know.
Rob Verdon
9010's isnt working, when you turn it on the display lights up but there
is no text or leds, i have tryed hooking it up to the computer to re
flash it but the computer cant find it. If you have any idea how to fix this
problem i would greatly appreacite it, also if anyone knows the com port settings or any other details on how to conect it to the computer please let me know.
Rob Verdon
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Can you confirm the unit has no sync light when plugged into the system.
If it does the contrast may have been turned all the way down. There is a button next to the volume control (it is sort of hidden but has a full/empty circle over it. Press and hold that and see if that fixes it.
Please can you also confirm how the unit is powered and run a new power supply to see if that is the problem. I had one install after a few years that was doing the above and it was a bung PSU that was giving enough power to light up the screen but not to boot the unit.
If none of the above works you will need to re-firmware the unit using the backuploader (available from 'Start/programs/bss audio') . Get a PC serial expansion ribbon cable (it goes from a 8 pin rectangular cable to 9 pin serial) place the unit into 'firmware upgrade mode' then re firmware the unit. (i will get more details on this. try the above first)
Thanks alot,
Use an application called 'backup loader' that is available under 'Start,bss/soundweb/backup loader.
Select browse and find the firmware file for the 9010 (mine is at C:\\PROGRA~1\\BSSAUD~1\\SOUNDWEB\\9010V140.A21 )
(I am assuming you are using the latest software and firmware)
Select the comm port you are using and select 'go'
Do not stop this process once it has started.
This should reload the application code to the remote. The unit should now be seen with Soundweb designer when you re connect it to the network.
Using backuploader, the only way you will get this unit back up is to connect directly to it from the serial port on your computer. Connect to the 9010 with a PC using its 232 port (you will need a ribbon connector to DB9 cable, and a male to female null modem cable for this )
The type of cable required to do this is the same type of cable that is used to connect a backplane serial port to a computer motherboard. It has a male 9 pin D on one side and a rectangular plastic connector on the other. You can buy these if you dont have one. You then need to use a null modem cable from this to your PC. I am unsure of the pin out, but believe it is written on the back of the 9010 and is also available in the help file (possibly under 'external control'
Good luck, let us know how you get on
IDC-10 - DB-9 -- Signal
Signal -- DB-9
Pin 1 --- Pin 1 --- DCD
Pin 3 --- Pin 2 --- RXD --- Null Modem --- TXD
Pin 5 --- Pin 3 --- TXD --- Null Modem --- RXD
Pin 7 --- Pin 4 --- DTR --- Null Modem --- DSR
Pin 9 --- Pin 5 --- GND --- Null Modem --- GND ---- 5
Pin 2 --- Pin 6 --- DSR --- Null Modem --- DTR
Pin 4 --- Pin 7 --- RTS --- Null Modem --- CTS
Pin 6 --- Pin 8 --- CTS --- Null Modem --- RTS
Pin 8 --- Pin 9 --- RI
There are other versions of this cable for sale that are pinned differently.
If you are making a cable from scratch, the pinouts in the help file
are ALMOST right, here is what the help file says:
9 Pin
Pin Number
Signal Type
Pin Number
The only issue is that pin 9 on the 9010 needs to go to pin 5 on the 9 pin (pin 9 on the RS-232 connector is RI, not ground). You may need to strap pins 4 and 6 together.
You can also use this port for programming the Soundweb system. This port could certainly use better documentation.
Thanks for alll the help,
PC RS232 opened
Searching for device
Received Invalid Message!
This is a new break for me ususally i just get device not found.PLEASE POST ANY IDEAS!!!
...any suggestions or similar experiences?
I wouldn't have thought the cabling could produce those issues, but there you go! ...something to be aware of...