336t & 366t unit latency
Hello! I have been searching for the exact device latency of my compact plus and minidrive units. I use them for all kinds of sound reenforcement situations, and on occasion I find myself interfacing some or all components of my 4 (or 5) way horn loaded (floodlight) system, with other installed audio. When this happens, it would be very helpful to know if I need to add a millisecond or 2 to my alignment calculations.
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We have done measurements of this using smaart.
I can see if i can dig out our results.
Your question is along the lines of ' how long is a piece of string' as dependant on what crossovers you are utilising, this will also push out the group delay.
When doing the impulse responses with smaart, you also need to remember that this is measured off the peak of the signal, which if the frequency is in the lower ranges, there is a large distance (time) between the peak and zero.
The easiest way to make sure everything is aligned is either by using a 'clicker' and doing it rough and ready, or use smaart to time align.