Does the Blu Cobranet module have one or two MAC adresses?
In other words do the primary and secondary port share one MAC address or are they totally separate as far as the network switch is concerned?
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There is a priority built into the RJ45 socket so if the primary connection is lost, the secondary will take over. When the primary is reconnected, it will then commence transmission.
Please be aware that if you are running a managed switch, some (Cisco especially) run a mac address table similar to DHCP. They then use port security to only allow one port to address a mac address. As you have 2 ports addressing a mac address with the CN module, this port security will need to be turned off for the CN network.
If you have port security enabled, the secondary will start transmitting ok, but when the primary is selected, the socket will show activity, but audio will stop as the switch has not released the mac address.
The BLU DSP has a different mac address.