BLU-8 Encoder Mode

BLU-8 Encoder Mode
The Soundweb™ London BLU-8 programmable zone controller is a single, four or eight zone Ethernet wall controller with a simple, yet powerful, interface. In this guide we will focus on the Encoder Mode of operation.
Encoder Mode is intended for control and monitoring of parameters and Presets in up to eight zones. You can also think of this as eight pages or panels of controls, each with separate functions. Zone or Page selection is made via the left rotary on the BLU-8. In this mode the controls have the following capabilities:
~Left Rotary Encoder (with push to select):
Each of the eight positions of the rotary encoder is preassigned to zones 1 to 8 in this mode.
~Right Rotary Encoder:
Any writable control parameter (one for each zone)
~Buttons 1 to 4:
Any writable Boolean control parameter, such as a Mute,
Any Parameter Preset or Venue Preset (one per button for each zone)
Any control parameter (one for each zone)
In this application one BLU-8 is located in a central location giving the operator control over parameters for all spaces.
The left encoder is used to select the zone the user is controlling. All the LEDs on the BLU-8 change color to reinforce to the user what zone they are adjusting. For each of the eight zones the right encoder and four buttons have separate and discrete functions.
The four buttons on the BLU-8 allow the operator to select one of four background music sources for the currently selected zone. The right encoder adjusts the overall gain in the selected zone. The LED meter to the right changes to a positional meter when the gain is adjusted indicating the relative position of the control. When the Gain control is not being gestured, the LED meter becomes a VU meter indicating the current level for that zone. This VU meter can be fully customized in the number of steps and indicator color allowing the programmer to tailor the display to the application and end user.
The sleep mode has been programmed to dim all the LEDs so the panel is less distracting when it is not in use. To wake the BLU-8, simply press the Locate button or gesture any control. The BLU-8 will wait 2 seconds after wake up before it changes any state variable, so the user can gesture any control to wake that panel up and wait 2 seconds before changing any control.
In the BLU-8 Default Control Panel, the 'Lockout Active' button provides a mechanism to disable the BLU-8 unit until a security PIN number is entered. This might be appropriate when the BLU-8 is located in a public area and restricted access to the BLU-8 functions is required. When the unit is 'Locked' any button or rotary movement will be ignored and all LEDs on the BLU-8 will flash RED twice at 1Hz frequency. This indicates that a PIN number must be entered to unlock the BLU-8. To enter the 4 digit PIN number, use the LOCATE button followed by the 4 button sequence (1..4) followed again by the LOCATE button. When a correct PIN number sequence is entered, all LEDs on the BLU-8 will flash GREEN twice at 1Hz frequency. The unit will then be 'Unlocked' and normal operation of the buttons and rotaries will be possible. If the PIN sequence entered is incorrect, the BLU-8 will flash RED twice at 1Hz frequency and remain in the 'Locked' state.
>>>Click here to download the full application guide and sample file.<<<
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