Automixer override button
I know what this is supposed to do, but want to know what is actually happening behind the scenes. I have a setup with three chairman mics and 21 delegate mics. I figured if I linked the override switches for the three chairmen mics, by hitting the switch, it would push down the delegate mics. Instead I get screaming feedback.
The three mics go to their own master automix block. The delegate mics go to their own slave automix block. I have outputs set to a matrix mixer as opposed to sending the output of the slave to the input of the master.
It's not a necessary item but I would like to know how I'm conceptually not understanding the functions of these buttons.
The three mics go to their own master automix block. The delegate mics go to their own slave automix block. I have outputs set to a matrix mixer as opposed to sending the output of the slave to the input of the master.
It's not a necessary item but I would like to know how I'm conceptually not understanding the functions of these buttons.
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The amount of gain added is determined by your 'Slope' control (by default 3 open mics would add ~9dB of gain - plenty to send you into feedback). Also, since you make the statement that your slave output isn't feeding the master input (I'm assuming you are talking about the threshold, chain, mix connections) the Master/Slave setup is not being implemented as designed which means that you could be inadvertently adding even more gain to the system.
Unless you really know what you are doing with those control signals, not connecting them up as designed and going directly to a matrix mixer could completely bypass the entire Master/Slave relationship. This means that you wouldn't have 'one' single automixer anymore. The channel weighting between the two automixers could be different, as well as the overall output level.
But doesn't it also change the volume state of the channels not in the override mode?
I am not sure of your topology for this project, but my understanding of the imolementation of the automixer is that the main output would normally used for a record feed or a 'full mix feed. If you want to perform a 'mix-minus' I.E. have local speakers muted when the individual mics are open, you change the properties of the automixer to turn on the direct outs. These are then fed to a matrix or matrix mixer where you select or deselect the mics relative to the output zones.
If you have a master and slave arrangement then the automixer will act as a larger automixer and 'manage' all the mic inputs. The override button will remove the channel from this management.
Another way to implement the 'chairman' and 'delegates' relationship is
1. that the override button mutes all the delegate inputs
2. the override button recalls a preset to lower the delegates mic inputs
3. place a ducker post the delegates mic automixer and feed the chairman mics in as the trigger.
You can also implement 'lockout rules' via the logic so the chairmen can select priorities for the delegates, etc.
Hope the above clears up what you want to do. If not, send Dan an email detailing a bit more about the project and i am sure he will clarify any questions!
You could use the logic layer instead, and tie the override buttons to logic sources, which then trigger the mute through an OR gate. Then you get the advantage of overriding the automix on an individual basis, rather than throwing all the mics fully open.
If you don't want to completely kill the delegate mics, then use a parameter preset instead with the delegate mics dropped to 50% (or whatever; at that point you could select 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% with some sort of selector switch. If you need control, try 75, if that doesn't make it, try 50, etc).
We got the system all set up about two weeks ago. Part of the design spec was to not have any mute buttons for the delegates to prevent people from having side bar conversations that were not recorded.
So at the first meeting, the chairman tells the delegates \"If you don't want the mics to pick you up, point them up at the ceiling.\" Since the majority of the mics were now pointing at the speakers, they experienced feedback and wondered what was wrong with the system!
Sometimes I wish you could program logic in people like you can in soundweb....
however, it would be possible to split the feed BEFORE the n-input gain, directing one output to the recorders, pre-mute, pre-everything (I assume you are using multitrack recordings, since the idea was to prevent sidebar conversations that were not recorded?)
Of course the chairman telling the delegates to just point the microphones away defeats the purpose anyway, whether they are pointed at the ceiling or not!!
Glad to hear its working for you, though.