BLU-8 buttons and controls
Is it possible to use one of the buttons to activate an AC power sequencer such as the Furman PS-8R?
Can the right rotary be used to control volume for multiple sources individually as well as a master control?
Can the right rotary be used to control volume for multiple sources individually as well as a master control?
OK So much for the short answer
If you want to control an outside event with the Buttons on the Blu-8, you'll need to use the logic layer. Create a logic source, and drag the logic source's button onto the button you want. Wire the logic source to a logic end, and drag the logic end's indicator to one of your Control ports. When the button is \"on\", the control port will be active.
Edit: I looked at the specs on the Furman PS-8R, which you mentioned as the sequencer you want to use. IF you use this sequencer, its going to be a bit more involved. First of all, I would highly recommend switching the 8R to momentary mode for use the Soundweb. Second, whether or not you switch to momentary, you will need a relay. Connect the +12V to one of the NO terminals on the relay, and the REM IN to the other. Connect one side of the relay trigger circuit to the R port on the Soundweb, and the other side to the control port you want to use. When you drag the Logic End to the Control Port pin you want to use, select \"inverse\" mode. Finally, if you set to momentary mode, as I recommended, set the logic source to \"Auto Off\" in 1 or 2 (x100 ms). If you don't set momentary mode, You'll need to put a NOT gate between the logic source and logic end, or wire to the NC terminals of the relay, becuase the PS-8R switches OFF when it sees 12V on the REM pin.
Please note this will work for the PS-8R, but not for the PS-8 (no remote terminal), and other sequencers will (may) need different connections. For example, I use a Middle Atlantic sequencer that has separate connection points for {Power UP} and {Power DOWN}, so I had to wire TWO control ports. Because they use different ports, they don't care if you use a momentary switch or not, so long as you don't send {UP} and {DOWN} at the same time. They also don't require 12V, so they were a perfect match for a London without needing an external relay.
{end edit}
If you set the Blu8 to 8 page mode, you'll be able to control (up to) 7 individual source levels, plus the \"master\". In this mode, the left rotary becomes a \"page selector\", so you can use that to dial up which of the 7 sources you are controlling. Note that if you are doing this in conjunction with the above, you'll have to set the button for the power control on each of the 8 pages, or settle for only being able to control the power sequencer when on whichever page you so designate.
If you *really* need more than 7 sources controlled, it's possible to do, but certainly not simple. (hint: you'll need either more than one London, or a Serial loopback (DB9 with 2-3 shorted). ) There's also no easy way to determine which source you are controlling using this method, so you'd be way better off limiting yourself to 7 sources. Creative use of linking could net you more. In any case, with a single London, you aren't going to have more than 12 channels of input, without going Cobranet.