Radio Buttons on Blu10?
Is it possible to have a source selector be represented by radio buttons on a Blu10? I have created a custom control panel with radio buttons that works as I would like it to. I just don't know how to get that to be represented by a Blu10. When I drag and drop it just turns into the scroll list.
What i do is create parameter presets for the source selector states that i want to use on the BLU10 including the 'off' state
I then place the same number of logic sources in the device logic window.
tie these to preset triggers with the 'on' state firing the respective trigger. 'off' is left blank
copy each of the logic sources onto a custom control page
link them as a radio group (without off)
i then copy these logic sources to the buttons i want on the BLU10.
Change the button so that it reads as a meter and i am done.
I would do the above on most installs, as you can add more functionality by recalling more than one setting off the logic source (IE source select and start volume) In that case i would add more preset triggers to the logic sources or recall multiple parameter presets via a venue preset.
As an example, selecting the DJ input from the CD player will allow a different 'room mode', be it EQ settings or different gain, etc.