Meter performance in complex map configurations 9088/9000
I´m using the 9088 as compressor/limiter unit and i builded the control surfaces in 3 maps with metering points on several channel to indicate \"lively\" levels and cp thresholds. Control response of the faders/rotarys are quickly indicated and transferred because the meter indication speed is poor slowly. Im using 8 per map and nothing changes if im deleting several meters. The refresh time is i think 1 time per second. So it feels like a peak hold response. The prefs of all is not peak only. This appears in all meters the same.
Im using a 2ghz pentium and the rear 232 connection.
Is there a chance to optimise the indication speed?
Thanks Kaibenson
I´m using the 9088 as compressor/limiter unit and i builded the control surfaces in 3 maps with metering points on several channel to indicate \"lively\" levels and cp thresholds. Control response of the faders/rotarys are quickly indicated and transferred because the meter indication speed is poor slowly. Im using 8 per map and nothing changes if im deleting several meters. The refresh time is i think 1 time per second. So it feels like a peak hold response. The prefs of all is not peak only. This appears in all meters the same.
Im using a 2ghz pentium and the rear 232 connection.
Is there a chance to optimise the indication speed?
Thanks Kaibenson
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Do you have meters on seperate map windows?
If so what i suspect is happening is that the program is refreshing every meter on every page at once.
Place your meters on a map window tab.
Keep your original control pages
Create a new control page
Right click on the main part of the page and select 'new tab'
create as many tabs as you had the original map windows.
Copy the original map window controls onto each new tab.
Close the original control pages
The program will then reference just the meters on the active tab.
This should work quicker for you.
I would also reccomend using the rear port as it comms at 115K instead of 38400.
Thanks for the information. i´ll check out the tips you told me i´ll be back with response.
thanks a lot again