Only viewing the matrix
Is there a way to have a matrix in a custom panel with specific preset but you can only view what the matrix is set to in the preset. So I am not wanting people to be able to route a signal wherever by clicking on the matrix. I just want them to see what the preset is set to route the signal. Please tell me if i am making no sense. Please Help!!!!
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First create some buttons, got to the gallery and pick the buttons you want to use, lay them out on the custom panel in the shape that you want. The buttons will have exclamation marks as they have no processing object linked to them.
Go to the design tree and expand the folders until you find the matrix processing object.
Drag the matrix cross-points you want to show onto the newly created buttons.
Select all the buttons, go to properties, mark as 'read only'
Place a vector button on top of the matrix controls.
Enlarge the vector button to completely cover the matix controls.
Under properties, set the vector button to Visible = No.
The vector button will be completely invisible when in operate mode, but London Architect won't allow you to click through one control to hit a control under it. If you click, London Architect will think you're clicking the vector button. The vector button has no SV assigned to it, so nothing happens.