Custom panel eq preset buttons
How would I go about making a custon panel eq preset button one with an led in it so the user knows what preset he is in. I can get this to semi work but once the button is clicked the light stay on even if I switch to a different preset. Is there someone out there that can explain how I can do this?
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There's no such thing as the \"currently active preset\". A preset is an event, not a state. When you trigger a preset recall, all of the values are changed and then the event is over. You're not \"in\" a preset becuase any of the values could be changed a split second after you recalled the preset. With that in mind, what most people really want is an indication of the \"last recalled preset\" and that's really easy to do.
If I have a parameter preset group which contains 5 parameter presets, I just need to place 5 logic sources in my device and add all of them to the prarameter preset group. (There's no need to wire the logic sources to anything.) I then set the values of those logic sources like this:
Parameter preset 1 = logic source 1 ON, all others OFF
Parameter preset 2 = logic source 2 ON, all others OFF
Parameter preset 3 = logic source 3 ON, all others OFF
Parameter preset 4 = logic source 4 ON, all others OFF
Parameter preset 5 = logic source 5 ON, all others OFF
The buttons for those logic sources are now your indicators of which parameter preset was recalled last. You can place them on a control panel and change them to look like whatever you want. Use properties to make them read-only and you won't have to worry about somebody clicking on them.
Now if I use the logic source to change preset, it lights up and stays lit until another preset is recalled.
I do it this way because presets in most of my systems can be recalled from more than one location and through calendar function. This gives feedback to all controllers and lights up the button used to change the preset.
It also automatically changes the buttons on all control panels if a preset is triggered by a timer (just make sure you trigger the logic presets with timer, not the parameter presets).