File is to large.
Ive just started playing around with a BLU160 BLU120 and a BOB. When ever I try and save my file to the device is comes back telling me the file is to large to save. Its about a 11meg. I will contact tech support after the holidays but just wondering if anyone has come across this before and if it is just something stupid Im doing.
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If it's none of those three two things, then it's probably one of those three two things. No, that wasn't a typo. A design file for 1 programmable device only gets to 11meg under a very few conditions.
edit: I changed the text color to yellow on my comments which should be ignored because Graham sent me an email that basically said \"we fixed that a long time ago, dummy\". I should probably pay more attention. Hey look! A castle....
While you may have intended to only change router settings with your parameter presets, I suspect that you're changing a lot more than that.
I created a design file with a 120, 160, and BOB configured as a 32x8 system. I put a compressor, EQ, and gate on every input feeding into a 32x8 matrix router with a crossover and EQ on every output. Total file size was 207k. I added 20 parameter presets effecting only the matrix router and the file size was 285k.
Starting with the same base file, I added 11 parameter presets which effected every processing object in the file and the size still only increased to 1.3meg. If 11 parameter presets cause your file size to increase by over 9 meg, then those parameter presets contain a lot more than just the router settings.
There's probably something you're not mentioning about your design file which is causing this without you realizing it. You should contact Rob Birch or one of the other guys at Jands and have them take a look at your file. That will be the fastest way to find the problem.
Please let me know if i can help. I have PM'd Rock with my contact details.
Would be good to see what else is going on, as most of my design files do not exceed 3 meg - and that is 20 BLU devices with a whole lot of audio loving going on.....
Get in touch....