Using Parameter Presets

Using Parameter Presets
Parameter Presets provide a mechanism by which the values of a group of parameters can be stored and then later recalled as a one-shot event. They allow the user to recall a small or large number of parameter values near instantaneously with no interruption in audio. Parameter Presets can be recalled manually by the user or automatically using a variety of different methods.
Parameter Presets are created and stored only in Design Mode. They can only be created or modified by a user with Design level file access. They can be recalled in Design Mode or in Operate Mode while offline or online. The parameters which will be stored and recalled as a Parameter Preset are determined by adding them to a Parameter Preset Group. These can include parameters from Audio processing objects, Logic processing objects and device Default Control Panels from any device in the system.
Creating Parameter Presets
Adding the required parameters to a Parameter Preset Group is the first step in creating Parameter Presets. Parameters can be added as part of a new Parameter Preset Group or can be added to an existing Parameter Preset Group.
To create a Parameter Preset Group:
Start by clicking on a control from a Control Panel to select it. Hold down the SHIFT key and SHIFT-click on another control to add it to the selection.
When all of the required parameters have been selected, Right-click on any selected control.
From the Right-click menu select “Create New Parameter Preset Group”.
In the dialogue box, enter the name you’d like to use for your Parameter Preset Group.
Click OK.
The new Parameter Preset Group now appears in the left most list box in the Preset Toolbar.
Further controls can be added to the Group by selecting them and choosing “Add To Parameter Preset Group” in the Right-click menu. Controls can be removed from a Parameter Preset Group by selecting them and choosing “Remove From Parameter Preset Group” in the Right-click menu.
To create a Parameter Preset:
Click on the “Add Parameter Preset” button located in the Preset toolbar.
In the dialogue box, enter the name you’d like to use for this Parameter Preset.
Click OK.
The new Parameter Preset now appears in the right most list box in the Preset Toolbar.
This Parameter Preset now contains the current values of all the parameters in the group.
To create further Parameter Presets:
Switch to Operate Mode and readjust the controls to new settings.
Return to Design mode and click on the “Add Parameter Preset” button.
Enter a name for new Parameter Preset.
Click OK.
Each new Parameter Preset will be added to the list box in the Preset Toolbar in the order in which they were created. These can be re-ordered at a later time. Parameter values can be stored into an existing Parameter Preset by clicking on the “Store Parameter Preset” button located in the Preset Toolbar. The parameter values will be stored in the Parameter Preset location currently selected. The Parameter Presets will also appear in the Presets folder of the Design Tree.
>>> Click here to download the full application guide and sample file.<<<
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