BLU-16 - Cant change IP and other general issues
So I just received a used BLU 16 processor I bought today. I was planning on testing it out tonight but I cannot get into it via London Architect. I just updated to the 3.06 version hoping it would help but not the case. Anyway, this is my first experience with BSS/ London Architect but I am familiar with HiQNet/ System Architect and ITech amps as I own some and use it regularly. So heres my issue. I have tried 2 routers with DHCP servers and neither one will just change the IP of the processor. I would assume it would automatically update or a power cycle would do it but I got nothing. I also have tried London architect from 2 different computers with different results. First I tried my Mac running parallels and I cant even see the device in the network window. I also tried my windows desktop on the exact same network and I can see the device, locate it from PC (with units light flashing) but I cannot restart, change the IP, firmware update or otherwise control the device remotely. I am at a loss for this let alone why my mac wont see the device. I would really appreciate any input, help, suggestions etc.
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You say you can't \"get into it via London Architect\". Many people don't realize that a BLU-16 does nothing until it's been programmed. You can't \"open\" it like a fixed architecture device. You need to create a program for it and then upload that design into the device. It's fairly likely that the previous owner erased their program from the device before selling it.
If that doesn't work, you should call tech support at 800-931-2357. It's relatively simple to walk you through things on the phone, but really a pain to try to type out all of the various possibilities.