BLU-8 Lockout from LA (and Feedback)
Hi all,
I recently copied the BLU-8 lockout parameter to a button on a custom control panel so that a client using LA for control could lock out the BLU-8 to prevent system changes while in LA. Nice little feature!
It turns out that they want to utilize the PIN so that if they shut down the PC or forget to unlock before shutdown, they can still go to the BLU-8 and do the Locate-PIN-Locate to unlock it. This works, but while LA is still up and online, the BLU-8 doesn't send feedback to LA to unarm the button on the control panel page.
This would be good so that if an LA operator is controlling the system and has the BLU-8 locked, the operator can see if someone comes over and unlocks it. Otherwise, if someone does, you have no idea until you see some controls change before your eyes. Then, to relock it, you need to click the button twice.
Any ideas how this could be implemented?
I recently copied the BLU-8 lockout parameter to a button on a custom control panel so that a client using LA for control could lock out the BLU-8 to prevent system changes while in LA. Nice little feature!
It turns out that they want to utilize the PIN so that if they shut down the PC or forget to unlock before shutdown, they can still go to the BLU-8 and do the Locate-PIN-Locate to unlock it. This works, but while LA is still up and online, the BLU-8 doesn't send feedback to LA to unarm the button on the control panel page.
This would be good so that if an LA operator is controlling the system and has the BLU-8 locked, the operator can see if someone comes over and unlocks it. Otherwise, if someone does, you have no idea until you see some controls change before your eyes. Then, to relock it, you need to click the button twice.
Any ideas how this could be implemented?
I tested and confirmed this fact running 3.08 R4. First with a BLU-8, then a BLU-8v2… both worked fine.
Make sure “Lockout Active” is the button that you’ve copied to your Custom Control Panel, and not something else (such as the similarly-named but completely different ‘Lockout on Sleep’ button).
Also, there’s a chance the issue is being caused by the type of button/indicator you’re using on the Custom Control Panel. To eliminate that variable, ignore the Custom Control Panel and watch the BLU-8's Default Control Panel while someone else locks/unlocks the BLU-8. If feedback works correctly on the Defaul Control Panel, then there's something screwy/messed-up/haunted (:twisted:) in your Custom Control Panel.
If feedback works incorrectly on the Default Control Panel, it might be a hardware/network issue.
*to see the Default Control Panel for the BLU-8, go to the system tab, right-click on the BLU-8, click “Show Default Control Panel”
What I did is opened the BLU-8 custom control panel and my custom control panel and just dragged the Lockout Active from the default to the custom. This copied the whole button and parameter. I'll test again but if there is something else I should do for feedback to work, I can't find it.