Right, so after a bit of searching, I'm going to ask what the most efficient / best way of doing a crossfade might be.
From my research, it seems you can generate a ramp by plugging a tone gen -> meter, with the attack time set to how long you want your ramp to be, then use the meter as an input to a mixer channel (straight for one channel, inverted for the other). Then you trigger the crossfade by turning the tone generator on or off.
Is there a better way to do it?
From my research, it seems you can generate a ramp by plugging a tone gen -> meter, with the attack time set to how long you want your ramp to be, then use the meter as an input to a mixer channel (straight for one channel, inverted for the other). Then you trigger the crossfade by turning the tone generator on or off.
Is there a better way to do it?
For example, if you want to do a crossfade from SignalA to SignalB, add 2 Gain Timed's-- 1 into each signal path. Trigger the -inf Fade command for SignalA at the same time that you trigger the 0dB Fade command for SignalB.
Mission accomplished.
NOTE: the fader within the Gain Timed only moves when you're connected to hardware, so don't freakout when you're trying to test it in design mode and nothing happens.
TIP: Presets are usually the best way to simultaneously trigger the Fade commands. The Gain Timed fader only moves when a Fade button goes from Low to High (i.e. the button goes from normal-looking to having a blue indicator on it). That's important to understand. That means, in order to work correctly, the Fade commands need to go back Low after they go High (i.e. they need to \"pulse\"). Using your mouse to trigger a fade always works perfectly, because you're clicking the mouse, and then releasing the click. However, if you make a preset telling the Fade to go high, that's what it will do: it will go high... and it will stay high... because that's all you told it to do. It will work the first time you recall that preset, but it won't work again until you bring it back low. Here's the best way to ensure that the Fade buttons always automatically bring themselves back low...
For every Fade button, add a Logic Source. Link the Fade button to the Logic Source. In the properties of the Logic Source, change \"Auto Off\" to 100ms. Mission accomplished (no need to wire the Logic Sources to anything).
As it turns out, presets are looking less like the way to go for me - rather using direct commands to poke the things and do what I want. If I were to wire up a some logic, such that I can toggle a logic source which will trigger a pulse that'll go to these two gain timed objects to initiate a crossfade. I could of course recall a preset, but it'd break the consistency in how this will be implemented.