firmware update load failiure
I'm upgrading the firmware in a 366 to 366T, but the loader keeps telling me:
Unrecognised unit versions A1.00
Version A1.00 or below
First 3 characters of filename does not match unit ID number. Load stopped.
Does this mean it's too old & needs an intermediate update? If so, which version & where from?
Unrecognised unit versions A1.00
Version A1.00 or below
First 3 characters of filename does not match unit ID number. Load stopped.
Does this mean it's too old & needs an intermediate update? If so, which version & where from?
Can you confirm that you have downloaded the correct firmware?
Please try the update in Boot Load Mode. To put the unit in Boot Load Mode, hold down MUTE 4 + RECALL then power up. In this mode you should see all the front panel LEDs flashing. Now run the Boot Loader.
Yup, that's the firmware file.
Made progress, for some reason the 366load.exe wasn't running as idea why.
Now we get as far as \"erasing flash sending file finished in 47 seconds\" with 0% on the progress bar. Omni is displaying \"invalid program! please reload\"
On reboot it says \"new application, B1.01\" then becomes \"invalid program! please reload\"
Seem to be stuck in a cycle here, it won't re-load or boot to standard screen.....
i am in the same situation,
in boot mode, all leds flashing......erasing flash and the program closes
> I'm upgrading the firmware in a 366 to 366T, but the loader keeps telling me:
> Unrecognised unit versions A1.00
> Version A1.00 or below
> First 3 characters of filename does not match unit ID number. Load stopped.
> Does this mean it's too old & needs an intermediate update? If so, which version & where from?
> Cheers
There is no problem. I had the same message