displaying values on LCD screen
first time poster here. done a quick search but couldnt find any information. Does anyone know is it possible to display the values of a control onto the LCD display on the front of a BLU-16 unit?
Example..I have a pot controlling the volume of a CD player connected to the unit. I was wondering is it possible to display a numeric value for the volume when the pot is turned?
I was looking at the logic display object, but I just cant get my head around how exactly it works.
first time poster here. done a quick search but couldnt find any information. Does anyone know is it possible to display the values of a control onto the LCD display on the front of a BLU-16 unit?
Example..I have a pot controlling the volume of a CD player connected to the unit. I was wondering is it possible to display a numeric value for the volume when the pot is turned?
I was looking at the logic display object, but I just cant get my head around how exactly it works.
I'm not aware of your level of expertise in Soundweb, so forgive me if i sound condescending. javascript:emoticon(':)')
The Logic Display is quite easy. If there is an input on the \"Write\" node, the text you have specified in the Properties window will be shown on the device.
If there is an input on the \"Reset\" node that text will disappear if you want it to do so. It can also disappear by using the 'Clear on Timeout' function.
There's a way to do what you're asking for, but it's probably not as easy as you'd hoped.
In the Logic window you must first add a 'Logic Comparator'
Assign the fader that the pot is connected to, to this Logic unit with drag and drop (I'm assuming that you're using an external pot via GPIO?)
Next, specify where the Logic Comparator outputs a \"signal\" and copy that value from 'Raw' to 'Value'. This is done very easily by opening the Logic Comparator (double click on it) and hitting the 'Copy' button once in Operate mode (This also works in Temporary Operate mode by holding the 'ALT' key). Try moving the fader while the Logic Comparator is open and you'll se what i mean.
Connect the output of the Logic Comparator to the Write input on the Logic Display. The Comparator's 'Compare Operator' (found in the properties window) is set in '=' mode. Reason being that you need one Comparator for each Value you want displayed, so when you run the Comparators in '=' mode, the separate recall actions will auto cancel each other on the display when turning the pot up and down.
Tip Time: When doing this, you can use the LCD's bottom text line (Again, found in the Logic Display properties window) to indicate which input you're adjusting, so that it always says 'CD Volume' no matter which Comparator is triggered.
Hope this helps
Thanks for this. I would be quite confident in the audio side of London Architect. The logic side, not so much!
Yes, I am controlling the fader using a pot connect via GPIO.
This makes sense indeed..just a few small questions.
1) Do i need seperate logic comparator and logic display objects for every value? I can't seem to connect more than one comparator object to the write input on the logic display object.
2) Can I have custom values...eg When the fader is at -40, the display shows \"1\", when it is at -30, the display shows \"2\", etc.
Thanks for your assistance.
Yes. That's what makes it somewhat tricky and time consuming.
Yes. Just type in whatever you want in the Logic Display properties window.
When the Logic Display is triggered, the LCD will display whatever you have specified.
Aaah yes....that all makes sense now. Thanks for your assistance