Fader Value Display Offset - SPL Instead of Audio Level.
I am designing a Custom Control Panel that displays the readout from a master fader. I would like to apply / display an offset to that number so it displays the corresponding SPL in the room instead of the fader level.
When the fader is at \"0.00 dB\" I would like my text to say \"85\". When the fader is at \"-3.00 dB\" I would like my text to say \"82\", and so on . . . Any adjustment made to the fader should be reflected here.
When the fader is at \"0.00 dB\" I would like my text to say \"85\". When the fader is at \"-3.00 dB\" I would like my text to say \"82\", and so on . . . Any adjustment made to the fader should be reflected here.
If the aim of the exercise is to display a notional SPL readout based on a fader position on a custom control panel, then you could accomplish this in a mixer processing object by setting, for a particular fader, a user value minimum and maximum that you'd like to represent. Say 80, and 105 for example, and then editing the faders tick marks- that is the scale or travel indicators along the faders length- to be whatever you like within those upper and lower values you set previously.
This could represent your SPL levels, though you'd need some way of actually measuring the SPL so you could roughly match the fader level with an actual SPL value.
The fader can have a subrange travel set too and will travel from whatever you set the min subrange to up to whatever the maximum subrange you set. Whatever you set as the subrange maximum will be shown in the text display, and the minimum too. This is the actual fader value.
Another way you could elect to show this is via an RMS meter PO. Using the same procedure for user values as noted above in conjunction with setting a subrange that you want to have the meter operate in and you could show notional output level via custom tick marks that you add in for the user value maximum, minimum, and intermediate points. Use the meter ballistics to slow the response of the meter down and this may work a little better for you.
I would be very wary of relying on this as an indication of actual SPL level in the room though. In order to display an accurate SPL indication you'd really need to be using a measurement system.