Ethernet and Serial Trigger/Table

Ethernet and Serial Trigger/Table
This guide looks at how to use the Ethernet Trigger and Serial Trigger/Table logic objects. These can be used to send control messages to third party devices via RS232 or Ethernet.
>>> Click here to download the full application guide.<<<
Is there an updated link for this resource? This appears to take you to a few reference designs not the application guide.
I think this link may help you out:
I do however have another question about the table: Is there a way to import and export the Ethernet Table to a csv or xml or the likes? I am not looking forward to change a complete 2^8 table by hand...
I have searched quite extensively online and have tried to open the *.audioarchitect file with code editors but to no avail.
Here is a link for the guide on Ethernet and Serial Trigger
All our guides and more are now on this site.
There is no facility to import or export the table.
Hi Jerome,
Would an import or export be a possible feature in the future? It would add a lot of value for system integration in existing show control and building management system applications. That is where I am using the tables for. It would make it much easier to make a complete table in excel and import it into the table. When I mean import it need not be an actual import button; just a copy a column from excel (Ctrl+C) -> paste (Ctrl+V) values in the table (and vice versa; select all values, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V into excel).