The device failed to load (9088 II) on WIN7 x64
A friend gave me a 9088 DSP II (firmware V 1.26) and he lost the SDF file loaded in the unit.
I made a simple design in Soundweb Designer, but when I try to load it on the the unit, the process starts and I receive the message \"The device has not loaded correctly\" follwed by \"Device Failed to Load\".
I tried to re-install the firmware but the Backuploader program dose not work on Win7 X64!
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
A friend gave me a 9088 DSP II (firmware V 1.26) and he lost the SDF file loaded in the unit.
I made a simple design in Soundweb Designer, but when I try to load it on the the unit, the process starts and I receive the message \"The device has not loaded correctly\" follwed by \"Device Failed to Load\".
I tried to re-install the firmware but the Backuploader program dose not work on Win7 X64!
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.