I have bought a couple of BLU8'ths, but when I connect them to the network, my software (AudioArchitecth 2,25) netsetter tells me, it is locked.
Since they come from a demolished building, it is not possible to get the password. Is there a way to unlock/reset it? I dont see any "reset" holes.
open a telnet session on your computer, telnet to the BLU-8's IP address- login as 'bssaudio' password is 'monkey'. Then send 'format flash' and 'purge xml' commands, plus a 'reboot' and the BLU-8 will be reset to factory settings.
You don't say if it's a BLU-8 or a BLU-8v2, but the original BLU-8 proved troublesome in any sizeable network, as I recall, and as such is best avoided.