Drive Rack 360 Venue and PA2 tuning updates
in dbx Software
I have a Venue 360 and PA2 drive rack. I am running JBLSRX 835 BI amp on top of JBL SRX 828s subs powered by Crown XTI 6002low, XTI 4002 mid, and and XTI2002 highs. Using JBL PRX 812 powered monitors. Neither of these speaker tunings are available in the Wizard Speaker selection menu. Are these available through a software update.
Help is appreciated!
need dbtechnologies DVA S10DP also ..
and it would be nice to include the box pro speakers
my QSC gx5 amp isn't in there nor is my JBL SRX818s sub and its Crown XLI 3500 amp - is there any way we can add our own tunings?
Would it be possible to help you guys at DBX with certain tunings of speakers, amps that I own and can can give input in the end be included in your downloadable cloud tunings?
It would have been so smooth to find my stuff in the list of tunings for DriveRack PA2!
There is not likely to be an update of speaker tunings in the near future. That may sound daunting, but...
As I've explained in other threads, speaker tunings are nothing to get hung up about when it comes to using the DriveRack. Sure, they are a little bit convenient, but ultimately not needed to run any of the DriveRack products.
All the Speaker Tunings have:
Frequency crossover response. That's it. This can be edited in the Crossover section in about 30 seconds. (Maybe quicker!) Now, some of them do have some parametric EQ settings, BUT, utilizing the AutoEQ makes those settings a moot point.
Additionally - Amp tunings only have:
Limiter settings based on amps clip rating.
Real world example - Choosing Not Listed on a Stereo 2 Way for example sets a rating of 100Hz-20kHz on the High Outputs, and 35.5 Hz-100Hz on the low outputs. This is probably completely fine for your powered speakers (which have their own internal crossovers)
There is no ability to load custom tunings no, but you can edit the crossover and set your limiter, and then storing your preset. That's effectively adding your own tuning