DRPA hiss
Is there a fix for the light hiss that comes from the DRPA?
With the EQ's flat and Cross/LIM off, using custom amp, custom speaker full range and conecting to the H out WITH no items pluged into the input I hear a slight hiss that will go away when I bypass the DRPA. So from the mixer to amp I have NO hiss but, from mixer to DRPA to amp it appears. I also loaded differnt programs to see if that mattered. I can deal with it if there is no fix. It's not that noticable for live sound.
Anyone fix this in the past. Firmware etc??
With the EQ's flat and Cross/LIM off, using custom amp, custom speaker full range and conecting to the H out WITH no items pluged into the input I hear a slight hiss that will go away when I bypass the DRPA. So from the mixer to amp I have NO hiss but, from mixer to DRPA to amp it appears. I also loaded differnt programs to see if that mattered. I can deal with it if there is no fix. It's not that noticable for live sound.
Anyone fix this in the past. Firmware etc??
You know, I have heard on many occasions about this problem... I can tell you mine is quiet. There is no firmware update, and I am pretty cretain there will not be one... if there were, it would require a trip to a repair shop for installation since it is a chip soldered to the board!
Thats all I've got for you, except to say that you could be dealing with a signal to noise ratio problem... when I do a gain structure it maximises the sound that the DRPA gets, minimising the noise. I have the system set up in my garage and there is silence till the first not hits and tears your face off...you can't even tell the system is on till then... now it was a referb, so its possible they corrected that problem when it was in...but?
That is my only complaint with the PA, it has an incredible ammount of control for such a low price.