How Do I set this up for QSC amp 2450
I have Cerwin Vega earthquake Subs bridged mono...
1000 wats peak
and psx215 Cerwin Vega tops...
with a QSC 2450mn powering it
I do not think I am getting the most out of this system right now!!
1000 wats peak
and psx215 Cerwin Vega tops...
with a QSC 2450mn powering it
I do not think I am getting the most out of this system right now!!
But first I need to know just what and how many of each:
1. Amp models, and #'s of amps( looks like maybe RMX2450's?)
2. 2 subs? 2 tops?
3. What is the system used for? (Dj/Kj, live...)
The way it looks you have 2 subs, 2 tops and 1 amp that is bridged...I don't think so..I promiss, the info is important, Also tell me what you are doing now.. which preset/crossover what slope...
I just got the same amps and would like your help. Here is what I have...
PA Speakers are Yamaha Club Series L and R are both S215V and sub is a SW218V. I have 3 QSC RMX 2450 amps, each of them are in Bridge mode and have 1 amp per speaker cabinet.
In looking at the DRPA and the Speaker/PowerAmp Tunings options can I only use the presets with that specific or can I use a preset if it matches what I actually have?
For the Program List I have #4 2Way w/mSub
For the Mains I have selected #25 Yamaha S215IV
For the Subwoofer I have #34 JBL SRX SR4719X (it is very similar to the SW218V)
and for the Amps I have #11 Crown K2 (very similar to the QSC2450)
So my main question is, is this ok or should I be using Custom for the sub and amp settings.
I will repost some settings I suggested earlier today that should work for you:
I hesitate to cross in the region of the Kick so I guess I'd avoid 75-85 hz as the primary first harmonic of the kick low freq. So with a probable usable low freq of say 55 hz I'd probably use 90-100hz as the LPF for the sub/tops cross point. I'd set a 45 hz HPF @ BW18, and an LPF of as I said of 90 hz @ LR24 to start. the crossover point for the tops will end up @ about the same 90 hz area but because of crossover area interaction its best to see what works best.. start out with a HPF of 90 hz L/R24 and know that the latency of the L/R 24 is about 7.5ms with regard to the subs, so sweep the alignment delay from 6.5 ms up to find the tightest most coherent bass in that region.
You'll want to set up an all custom 2x4 for full stereo, and 2X3 for stereo tops and mono subs. I'd suggest inserting the notch filters and the Feedback eliminator.
As far as the input attenuators settings don't worry too much about it and just do a good gain structure and let them fall where they may.
That should get you started.. I'm most always around for questions..