Newb question about setting inputs and outputs
I am totally new to digital processers of this type so please excuse my ignorance but I have a couple questions about the ins and outs on the 260.
So on the inputs there is an input A and also input B, each of the two have an input 1 level and an input 2 level and a master Level.
From the factory it is set like this:
Input A
Input 1 Level 0db........
Input 2 Level -Inf......Should this be set at -Inf or equal to Input 1 Level?
Master Level 0db
Input B
Input 1 Level -Inf.......Should this be set at -Inf or equal to Input 2 Level?
Input 2 Level 0db
Master Level 0db
With the outputs routed as 1=left high 2=right high 3=left low 4=right low the factory setting has all four outputs set like this:
Left high off...........I asume this should be set to \"ON\" for all 4 outs right?
Polarity +.......Should this be set to + for outs 1 & 3 and set - for 2 & 4?
Phase 0 deg..........This I know not to mess with
These should be 1 and 3 the left outs as + and 2 & 4 the right outs as - right or am I wrong?
Sorry for the probably stupid question but I'm a little lost. Thanks
So on the inputs there is an input A and also input B, each of the two have an input 1 level and an input 2 level and a master Level.
From the factory it is set like this:
Input A
Input 1 Level 0db........
Input 2 Level -Inf......Should this be set at -Inf or equal to Input 1 Level?
Master Level 0db
Input B
Input 1 Level -Inf.......Should this be set at -Inf or equal to Input 2 Level?
Input 2 Level 0db
Master Level 0db
With the outputs routed as 1=left high 2=right high 3=left low 4=right low the factory setting has all four outputs set like this:
Left high off...........I asume this should be set to \"ON\" for all 4 outs right?
Polarity +.......Should this be set to + for outs 1 & 3 and set - for 2 & 4?
Phase 0 deg..........This I know not to mess with
These should be 1 and 3 the left outs as + and 2 & 4 the right outs as - right or am I wrong?
Sorry for the probably stupid question but I'm a little lost. Thanks
The module here is the 'input module'. It has 2 inputs and a master control per channel. You can set up the 2 input 6 output processor in any number of ways, one of those is that you could feed 1 signal...into the #1 input, and feed all (or any) channel/s with this one input. we accomplish this with the 2 input controls... if we want channel 1 to feed all the outputs, we need to see that the channel 2 inputs are sent a signal as well. With the 2 channel gains (input 1 & 2 gain)at the same level, both sets of 3 outputs get the same signal. Conversly if the input #1 is up on channel 1 and input #2 is down, then the signal won't be sent to channel 2, and the same goes if channel 2 has input 1 down, and 2 up...(see page 70 of the manual for thr block diagram... )
So, if your doing stereo
XLR 1 : input 1 gain up input 2 gain down
XLR 2 : input 2 gain up, input 1 gain down
For mono :
XLR 1 : input 1 gain up, input 2 gain up
XLR 2 : no connection so it makes no difference and is ignored as both channels are fed from channel 1.
Some \"configs\" route both signals to only 1 output as in a 'stereo biamp mains and Mono subs' sending stereo to the tops and mono to the subs...
As for the + and - thing, yor reading way to much into this... the thing is we have a LOT of things available to us on the driverack. Just because its provided doesn't mean you should use it (or mess with it) if you don't know what it does or how to control it DON\"T USE IT !
Those things (if you must know) are for switching input polarity, and output phase and polarity are also provided for. If you really want to use those features, learn what they do, how they work, and what benefit they can offer. if there is no benefit, don't use the feature... like the sub harmonic synth... for what I do, It's useless.
The reason I ask about the + - polarity thing on the output is because from the factory all 6 channels are set to off and the polarity on all 6 channels is set to positive. I thought you HAD to change the setting to ON for all output channels you are using (I'mm only using 1-4) and as for the polarity being set to + I want to make sure that having all 4 inputs I'm using set to + is not going to damage my amps.
like I said I'm a total newbie and I agree I shouldn't use features I don't understand and I don't plan to or want to, but I just want to make sure that I am not leaving something set in a way where it can damage my amps if I DON\"T change it.
Look, an example of what this might be used for is JBL speakers. The lions share of the older cone woofers, were reverse wound, that means that if you apply a 9 volt battery with plus to the plus on the battery, and minus to the minus side of the battery, the cone will move tword the magnet... most other manufacturers move the oposite direction. So, if you were using the DR as a bi-amp xover for the tops and had a JBL woofer and a B&C horn driver you would turn the module on and switch the woofer to minus(-) polarity.
Also in some instances if you get into a highly reverbrant room by delaying the sound, or working with the phase you can select the spot that the reflected and direct waves meet...thus minimizing the effect in the area you want coverage.