Driverack260 church sound upgrade
To the DBX specialists:I am in the process of upgrading the sound system in our church. Existing system is altec speaker cluster in the front center with a large horn enclosure for most of the coverage, a small horn enclosure for near field and a bass module. They are currently driven by one Altec power amp.
Problem is many hot and cold spots throughout the sanctuary plus poor frequency response.
My ideas are as followed:
Installation of two JBL MTC-28V vertical arrays with 3 control 28's in each array. These would be driven by three Crown XLS202 amps. Also a JBL SB-2 Sub driven by a Crown CL-2.
Two DR 260's hooked as following.
We have a MAckie 1604VLZ mixer with left and right outputs plus a mono output.
The L/R outputs would go to Input one and two of Driverack #1. that control the two JBL arrays. Mono output of Mackie to Input one of Driverack 260 #2 to drive existing altec cluster. SB2 to be connected to CL2 amp and one of the spare outputs of driverack #2. I may drive this with a aux send of the mackie mixer.
My goal is to be able to Pink the room and adjust the control 28's in each array to provide uniform coverage throughout the sanctuary. and use the DR260 for processing etc.
My main focus is music although spoken word is a consideration.
We use lots of Shure wireless with SM 58 capsules and Shure wireless lapels for the Pastor and liturgists.
I have some existing AKG condensers for piano and choir pickup.
Is this a do able design?? Any input is appreciated
Problem is many hot and cold spots throughout the sanctuary plus poor frequency response.
My ideas are as followed:
Installation of two JBL MTC-28V vertical arrays with 3 control 28's in each array. These would be driven by three Crown XLS202 amps. Also a JBL SB-2 Sub driven by a Crown CL-2.
Two DR 260's hooked as following.
We have a MAckie 1604VLZ mixer with left and right outputs plus a mono output.
The L/R outputs would go to Input one and two of Driverack #1. that control the two JBL arrays. Mono output of Mackie to Input one of Driverack 260 #2 to drive existing altec cluster. SB2 to be connected to CL2 amp and one of the spare outputs of driverack #2. I may drive this with a aux send of the mackie mixer.
My goal is to be able to Pink the room and adjust the control 28's in each array to provide uniform coverage throughout the sanctuary. and use the DR260 for processing etc.
My main focus is music although spoken word is a consideration.
We use lots of Shure wireless with SM 58 capsules and Shure wireless lapels for the Pastor and liturgists.
I have some existing AKG condensers for piano and choir pickup.
Is this a do able design?? Any input is appreciated
Is there no possibility that the one Driverack could do the job?
1. Channel one Dr260 ctr cluster
2. JBL control?28av...
3. subs run off and aux send
Need much more info to be of any real service..
The church is roughly 60 feet wide by90 feet long with about 30 feet cathedral peak. The MTC-28 is JBL Vertical Array Mount design to hold 3 individual JBL Control 28 speakers. with a JBL patented ball and socket mount that allows up to 30 degrees of pivot for aiming the speakers in the areas you would like coverage in. The JBL Control 28's are a passive full range 8 Ohm speaker with a 8 inch woofer and 1 inch Titanium tweeter.
They do not allow bi amplification .I'd like to be able to adjust the gain of each individual speaker in each array ( Total two arrays with three speakers in each array) The output of each Crown XLS (total three Amplifiers and 6 outputs) going to each of the inputs of the speakers. This gives me control of the gain to each individual speakers. The outputs of DR #1 ( total 6) would then go to the inputs ( total 6) of the individual Crown XLS's. giving me processing power to each of the individual speakers ( total 6)
I wouldn't be able to use one amp for each array as I am not using constant voltage transformers, but going in at 8 ohm to each speaker thus the need for 3 amplifiers.
The other DR would be used for the existing altec cluster and any unused outputs would be used for possible some zone pro modules for the expansion going on elsewhere in the church.
Again the goal is to be able to point each individual speaker via the pivoting mount to areas I want coverage in and then adjust the gain with a Db meter ( or RTA mike ) and get uniform \"loudness\" ( poor term) in each area covered by each individual speaker. I can then process the sound with the DR's.
I've eliminated feedback problems so far with a Rane Equalizer and a pair of Sabine FBE's. Although the only time I really have a problem is with the AKG condenser mikes during some choral performances
As far as other equipment in use I have a PreSonus ACP88 8 channel Compressor/Limiter/GAte for use with the vocal microphones ( Shure Sm58's and lapel mikes all wireless. ) and a Lexicon MPX1 Effects processor run by an aux send of the Mackie 1604.
Other equipment ( although it really has no bearing on the Install of the DR's and other speakers) is a Roland VS2400 Digital Recorder feed by the direct outs and sub outs of the MAckie Mixer.
The church is pretty bright as far as reflective sound as are most wood based churches. Wide Structural beams through out the church with hard surfaces everywhere where sound can reflect virtually at every corner.
I hope this is enough additional Info
I did think about some bi or triamped speakers but though this might be a better arraignment because of the full range of the JBL Control 28's. I was afraid if I used triamp or bi amp it may get too bright in the front of the Church if I had to increase the gain of the tweeters to reach the back of the church although I could use some delay parameters if needed I suppose
I have trouble believing that a speaker like the control 28 can push sound 70-90 feet to the back of the church. Typically, you would use a long throw speaker over a more downward firing or nearfield 'front fill' I would contact someone with 'EASE' as that predicition software would recomend a speaker that would work best for your application.
When you start getting into reverbrant spaces you really need to be carefull. I have recently had good luck in these spaces using co-axial speakers that do not use a horn lense that focuses the energy on the reflective surfaces, and horn loaded subs.
I think you have the wrong idea about Bi, and tri-amped speakers... with them you CAN adjust how much of each energy group you want to project into the reinforcement area.
You could be throwing good money after bad here, My recomendation is to do it right the first time.
Where are you located? I could possibly recomend someone if you wish...