How do I disable crossover?
I've been using the dbx DriveRack PA for a couple of years now, and have found it very useful. Our band has just purchased a new PA, the Projector system from HK. This system has its own crossovers and limiters, so I really only want to use the feedback eliminator, and possibly the EQ. But I can't work out how to disable the crossover, so that I just have a single Left and a single Right output. Does anyone know how this can be done? And if so, which of the three sets of outputs (Low, Mid, or High) do I use? Many thanks for any responses.
If you look @ the way the driverack is set up, you use a 2X2 setup, passive, you get just that. A stereo bandpass (see page 38 of the manual for a block diagram) you can then set the LPF and HPF to basically out... and let the other system processor handle those functions.