A few questions to start with
I just bought a DRPA with 2 Yamaha P7000S amps 2 JBL MPro 415's and 2 JBL MPro 418S . When I setup the DRPA I used a 2x4 crossover and used the speaker setting for my JBL's in the configuation. My questions are
1. Does the DRPA setup the correct crossover setting or do I have to modify this myself?
2. The PEQ was already set in the program should that be used as just a starting point and then modified from there?
3. When I setup my limiters will those setting be used in all the user defined programs or will I have to progam the limits for each location I want use the system.
This all new to me as I have not played with this type of system before.I always used a EQ and passive crossovers and only had to adjust the EQ by ear.
Thanks for any help and tips to get me started
1. Does the DRPA setup the correct crossover setting or do I have to modify this myself?
2. The PEQ was already set in the program should that be used as just a starting point and then modified from there?
3. When I setup my limiters will those setting be used in all the user defined programs or will I have to progam the limits for each location I want use the system.
This all new to me as I have not played with this type of system before.I always used a EQ and passive crossovers and only had to adjust the EQ by ear.
Thanks for any help and tips to get me started
1.yes. It will probably set the xover point @ 121.4@ BW 24, at least thats what the 260 did. It will also set the HPF @ Bw 12@ 44.2 hz. You will need to select custom in the amps menu, and I suggest you run bridged mono operation for the subs.
2. Unless you are pretty adapt @ tuning, you will find it hard to better these settings. It doesn't hurt to try...
3. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are asking.. If you set up a limiter within a custom program, or modify an existing setting, it will follow if you store that in another location... it will not however alter the settings of any other program's settings (any setting, be it comp, limiter, PEQ etc.)
Go here:
and find the 'tutorials' section here:
http://www.driverack.com/drug/forum_sta ... forumid=24
Now you need to read up, there is a lot of good info there.
Thanks for the info.
You answered question 3 for me I was concerned that at every new club we play I would have set up the limiters which did not make a lot of sense to me.
I have been reading a lot of the postings and did find the tutorials so I will continue to read.
I did chose custom in the amps menu but had both subs and mains on stereo. Do I change the subs on the DRPA to mono and bridge the amp? or just bridge the amp and leave the DRPA alone?
This is a pretty cool way to learn and I appreciate you advise
The bridged mono will give you more power for the subs, as you will be running 4 ohms...
It would be best rerun the setup wizard for 2x3 mode, stereo tops and mono subs. If you bridged the sub amp and then just use a side of the stereo sub out you might loose some program material when running CDs through the system. Don't forget to store your current settings as a separate named program.
The DRPA is a good piece for gear. I have settings stored for 3 different sets of tops, with & without subs. So however I choose to set up my system, a simple program selection sets up all the signal routing and filtering ;>)
Mike McNany
I do have a question about setting up the gain with the limiters.
I only used the OverEasy feature and left the Treshold at the default +20db I played with both and they appreared to do about the same thing. so the question is, what is the perfered method?
Again any help here would be greatly appreciated.
I have a similar setup and would be happy to share what I have found in my experience with the DRPA over the past couple of years.
Personally, I like the sound much better after moving the crossover points HF/LF) down to 100Hz vs 125Hz and dropping the HPF down to 40Hz w/BW18 instead of 45Hz w/BW12 (you were close G with the 260 wizard numbers).
Yup, different forum same stuff...
I just built(over the course of the last year...with technology improvments, and materials) a new system that will surely move me forward. Its the result of my/everyones?, search for the \"little but deadly\" system. My \"nervanna\" is a system that I can haul in my (insert mini van choice/current transportation preference here) van. This system will be able to (in different configurations) fill most any small to medium venue, and be able to do some outdoor work as well. I am going 4 way, since I have built a system that has all the elements, and kicks ass \"majoris\".
I have put, Bill Fitz's 'table tuba' together with a mid bass I have built, with tops I designed and built. In all a 10\" horn loaded sub (using the little brother HL-10a of the Lab12), a 1X15 midbass cab, and a 12\" Neo mid, with a 1.4\" exit Neo driver..on a 90X70 horn. Pure magic. I did an auto EQ using the \"new indoor method\" and the speakers had minimal GEQ/Auto EQ, adjustments. For grins and giggles my son eliminated all eq, and dynamic adjustments, and the system seemed to come alive. I will post some construction photo's, and finished shots. I was blown away by the system in different configs, but when I put them all together, WOW!
BTW that was without ANY adjustments... including separate Xover for the sub, and midbass cabs...If they were to be properly crossed, and the appropriate delay applied, the system would REALLY have blown my mind!
I am in the process of refining the design, but the basics are here for a really awsome sounding system.
My son is working on an amplifier system that will provide more than enough power to all drivers and still be 4 amp rack spaces..and have AMPLE power @ less than 50 LBS TOTAL. These are going to be class 'D' digital amps, and be lightweight to boot.
Be well
Thanks for the advise. We used the PA on May 19th pretty much with the default settings for DRPA and JBL's and it worked pretty well. Due to work loads and time I did not have time to experiment. I did initally have some sub feedback so I had to cut the subs between 80-125hz using the EQ. Changing the crossover points that you suggested may help this.Overall the band had a much fuller sound and more bottom end.
It's pretty hard to run the sound from the stage but the new setup seems to be more stable and requires a lot less attention as the night goes on.
Thanks for all the help.