powered mixer
ok, so i just bought a driverack pa because the rta microphone thing sounded pretty cool. i have a yamaha emx-5000 powered mixer, a crown xls 602 power amp, two yamaha mains, two peavey sp-2 mains, and three yamaha monitors......
i bought the power amp so that i would have the capability of having three mixes, but i'm unsure of how to hook up the driverack.
anything help would be greatly appreciated!
new to this much equipment
i bought the power amp so that i would have the capability of having three mixes, but i'm unsure of how to hook up the driverack.
anything help would be greatly appreciated!
new to this much equipment
Unfortunately, you won't be able to have three mixes through the driverack PA. Are you runing 4 mains for the front of house and two monitor mixes?
just make sure the crossover/bandpass filter is set right for the outputs you are using, and it shouldn't matter
It depends on the preset. You could just select \"Custom Passive\" for the mains and \"XLS 602\" for the amp in the Setup Wizard. You may then want to set a high pass filter in the x-over section. You would want to use the High outputs.