I just purchased a DRPA and have read the manual as well as most of the white papers. I have a pretty good understanding of compression but very little on the DRPA's way of handling compression. I have noticed on different discussion posts that Gadget questions compressing the entire mix and so do I. My question is this: How do you single out certain channels for compression such as the bass or the main vocals if the only input into the DRPA is from the output of the mixer? Forgive me if there is a real simple answer and I am overlooking it but this I don't understand. All I want the DRPA to monitor compression on would probably be the snare, the bass guitar and the lead vocals as they tend to get louder as the night progresses. If you didn't pick up what the DRPA is being used for, it is a 4 piece live band, playing mostly rock cover songs.
This was taken straight from the manual. Albeit the manual does not tell you how to tighten uneven sources individually. Is this not possible with the DRPA? Why even have a compressor built in if it is not a good idea to use it?