Big Feedback when I try to RTA
Had a DRPA for 2 years and love it. Just bought a dbx RTA mic and tried to use it.
I have JBL 4725 biamped system. As soon as I press the RTA input switch, the PA howls with feedback. The output meters redline. I can't get past this step. Whats up?
I have JBL 4725 biamped system. As soon as I press the RTA input switch, the PA howls with feedback. The output meters redline. I can't get past this step. Whats up?
How can I test the mic? I just bought it used. Is there a battery in it?
Someone else correct me if I am wrong, but you should be able to plug it into a standard mic input (w/phantom power) to test and see if it's operational. Be sure to keep your levels down, amps/speaks off, so you can see the levels on the meters before using headphones to monitor.
As coop said the mic needs fantom power, not a battery. The volume should be at a minimum when you go into the process. Are you doing it in the wizard? The correct sequence is :
1. press the wizard button
2. select Auto Eq
3. follow the prompts, only press the RTA button when prompted to do so. Then when you do the volume should be down and you should have to bring it up to a certain level before it will even let you proceed.
Try that, if it doesn't work, or if you have already done this report back.
Again, the mixer is off, I plug right into the DRPA, hit the Wizard button, choose RTA, plug the mic in, it tells me to hit the switch and I do and wheeeeeee...
What are you talking about \"the volume down\"? That's not in the instructions. Where would I do that?