Hi there,
We've just recently used our DRPA running a 3 way system. Speakers are as follows - PEAVEY QW218 X 2, PEAVEY QW4F X 2. PEAVEY GPS3400 running the lows, PEAVEY GPS2600 running the mids and a PEAVEY GPS900 running the highs. The system runs SWEET and goes really hard. Were still in the 'tinkering' stages of our system but overall were wrapped with what the DRPA does with these speakers. My question is this...given all the details that I've just given you, we have an upcoming gig that is in a really small venue. We dont really want to have to roll in our big speakers (for obvious reasons) Can we use our PVDR and amps but just plug them into smaller speakers? The speakers are WHARFDALE'S - single 18\" bass bins (400W)and single 15\"s and horns for tops (300W). They are currently being run as a two way system but would be ideal (size-wise) for the venue that we'll be playing at. I'm not sure if the top speakers can be bi-amped, I know I'll have to check that. And I know its not the ideal set-up, but I'm just wondering if its possible to do purely because the venue doesnt warrant our big speakers. Can we do this without having to dial in all the speaker details and so forth into the DRPA? Granted that we wont be pumping the music loud too (its just background music mostly)
If you could let me know so as to figure something else to do in the event that we cant, then that would be cool.
looking forward to your response....
We've just recently used our DRPA running a 3 way system. Speakers are as follows - PEAVEY QW218 X 2, PEAVEY QW4F X 2. PEAVEY GPS3400 running the lows, PEAVEY GPS2600 running the mids and a PEAVEY GPS900 running the highs. The system runs SWEET and goes really hard. Were still in the 'tinkering' stages of our system but overall were wrapped with what the DRPA does with these speakers. My question is this...given all the details that I've just given you, we have an upcoming gig that is in a really small venue. We dont really want to have to roll in our big speakers (for obvious reasons) Can we use our PVDR and amps but just plug them into smaller speakers? The speakers are WHARFDALE'S - single 18\" bass bins (400W)and single 15\"s and horns for tops (300W). They are currently being run as a two way system but would be ideal (size-wise) for the venue that we'll be playing at. I'm not sure if the top speakers can be bi-amped, I know I'll have to check that. And I know its not the ideal set-up, but I'm just wondering if its possible to do purely because the venue doesnt warrant our big speakers. Can we do this without having to dial in all the speaker details and so forth into the DRPA? Granted that we wont be pumping the music loud too (its just background music mostly)
If you could let me know so as to figure something else to do in the event that we cant, then that would be cool.
looking forward to your response....

press wizard, answer the questions for an all custom 2X3 (2 in 3 out) select, as I said, all custom. save and name so you can find it. Press program, that is the program you just set up. Next press Xover, and set sub (LO) Hi pass (HPF) of 40hz @ BW18, set a LPF for the sub @ 120hz@ LR24. for the tops Set a LR 24@120 hz hpf and the horns will defauilt to out...(there is no LPF on the hi outs)
Make sure you save a the changes to the setup ,and tune as necessary with the EQ;s