amp level
I am new to the froum and love info provided.
I am more of a studio guy than live sound.
My quetion is After connectionthe Mixer to the DRPA and then to amps. What method is used to set the amps level in a three way system,
Another question, Any training video showing setting up techneques as well as tips and tricks If possible how to use the drive rack in a live situation.
I am more of a studio guy than live sound.
My quetion is After connectionthe Mixer to the DRPA and then to amps. What method is used to set the amps level in a three way system,
Another question, Any training video showing setting up techneques as well as tips and tricks If possible how to use the drive rack in a live situation.
here are some more things to look at... thers a lot to know in order to tuna a system ... ... forumid=24 ... forumid=28
The folowonig is the some settings for the speakers can you please look at them at let me know if they look ok.
This what iam going to do first befor doining anything else on the DRPA.
Please look at the fist page last colum for the IF 2125AS specs.
IF2115As Bi Amp
Gain: 0 -5.40
Ploarity: Normal Inverted
HPF HZ 35 1.830
Slope 24 12
Type Butterworth L-R
LPf Hz 1.000
Slope 18
Type Butterworth
PEQ1 Hz 274 3.650
Level -2.60 -2.0
Type Bell bell
Q 7. 0 1.9
Bandwidth .206 .751
PEQ2 Hz 560 16000
Level -1.0 -5.0
Type Bell Bell
Q 4.7 14.0
Band width .306 .103
In addition We have a dual 15 sub so the low part of the specs do not include a sub
Here is a link to the speakers specs. ... tions.html
Thank you so much for your help. Wish you liver in La .
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