Understanding gain
I dowloaded the pink noize file.
1- I plaly the audio Cd into two input channels on the 01V96
2- Have the fader at 0
3- master fader at around -5 for some room.
4- use the gain to peak the channel inputs and back it down .
5- new the DRPA input meater should be arround 0
6- the six output meters are also aroud 0
after these steps any advice on how to set the amps attenuaters.
At the begining crosover peramerts are entered the DRPA
Aprreciate te help.
1- I plaly the audio Cd into two input channels on the 01V96
2- Have the fader at 0
3- master fader at around -5 for some room.
4- use the gain to peak the channel inputs and back it down .
5- new the DRPA input meater should be arround 0
6- the six output meters are also aroud 0
after these steps any advice on how to set the amps attenuaters.
At the begining crosover peramerts are entered the DRPA
Aprreciate te help.