Help for system setup.
What info do I need (gear specs etc.) from mfgrs. to custom setup our system? We have (each side of the stage) 1- JBL MR818 (single 18\" sub) w/ 1- Peavey SP2 xt (15\" + CD horn, bi-ampable) on top. In the amp rack, 2- Mackie 1400i & 1 Carver PM 1.5. Would like to run in stereo but not a necessity. We play mostly small clubs with rotten acoustics (naturally). Just got the Rack PA & calibration mic. Next steps please?
HPF 45 hz BW18
Lpf 100 hz LR24
thats the subs
for three way
HPF 100 hz LR 24
LPF 2000hz LR 24
delay about 8 ms
15\" speaker
HPF 2000 hz @LR 24
to out (means let the tops reproduce whatever they can)
delay about 9-10 ms
Do a gain structure as per the back of the manual
ballance the system using the amp controls'
Do a med persicion FLAT auto as per the \"new indoor auto EQ running ONLY the tops but for the purpose of the Auto EQ lower the Xover point to 55 hz for the tops and as I said leave the subs off. ... d_id=41419
thats the new indoor method location..
Raise the xover point again or store to a new location for full range operation. store the results with the resytored 100hz HPF on the 15\" speakers...set the subs EQ by ear, or do the stack OUTDOORS away from all reflective surfaces.
store to a location for use as a reference tool. Now EQ opne to taste and store that.. You now have a flat reference, and a seasoned to taste for recall. Using the reference to compare you can then see what rooms do to the auto eq and have a flat preset for tough reflective rooms.
Lots more here in the tutorials section, and the white papers...