I basically understand how to set post crossover eq but pre crossover eq is difficult for me.
Ok I understand you choose a channel (L or R) , choose a frequency, put the system on or off. But where do you set bandwidth? All I want to do is set my entire L channel at a H Shelf 2 db higher than my right channel,how do I do that?
If youy can't do that what is pre x-over eq used for?
Ok I understand you choose a channel (L or R) , choose a frequency, put the system on or off. But where do you set bandwidth? All I want to do is set my entire L channel at a H Shelf 2 db higher than my right channel,how do I do that?
If youy can't do that what is pre x-over eq used for?
Select a high shelf, select a slope, drag it all the way to the high pass point you wish to use.. usually a fairly steep slope set to the speakers lo limit or somewhat above depending on amp power and a number of other things...
2) goto PEQ thru succesive presses of the eq button
3) select F1 @ 31.5 high shelf @ 2 db gain
4) select F2 @ 800 high shelf @ 2 db gain
5) select F3 @ 1.2K high shelf @ 2 db gain
(I used 3 Parametric freq points, hence the steps 2-4)
It may be back handed but the curve displayed looks like a 2 db gain from 31-16K HZ.
Sound right?